changelog – MailPoet A newsletter plugin for WordPress Tue, 28 Nov 2023 13:28:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 changelog – MailPoet 32 32 29437367 From Bulk to Bespoke: Transform Your Email Campaigns with Segmentation Tue, 10 Oct 2023 09:06:18 +0000 Email marketing just got a whole lot smarter with our recent product updates! We’ve released a suite of new segmentation features that will improve the way you target and engage with your audience. But first, let’s understand why segmentation is crucial in email marketing.

Segmentation is the art of dividing your email list into smaller, more focused groups based on specific criteria. It’s not just a handy tool; it’s the cornerstone of successful email marketing. By sending the right message to the right people at the right time, segmentation allows you to deliver more personalized and relevant content. This, in turn, leads to higher engagement rates, increased open and click-through rates, improved conversion rates, and ultimately, a boost in your ROI. Now, let’s dive into the exciting enhancements that will make your email marketing campaigns even more effective:

New Pre-Built Segment Templates

We understand that creating segments from scratch can be time-consuming. That’s why we’ve introduced a set of pre-built segment templates to simplify the process, with more to come in the future.

  • Recently Subscribed: This segment includes contacts who have recently subscribed to your emails, specifically within the last 30 days.
  • Engaged Subscribers (in the last 1, 3 or 6 months): Engage with your most active audience. This segment comprises contacts who have interacted with your emails or made at least one purchase, and have received emails from you within the specified period.
  • Recent Buyers: Target those who have made a recent purchase. This segment consists of customers who have made a purchase within the last 30 days.
  • Repeat Buyers: Encourage customer loyalty. This segment is composed of customers who have made at least two purchases in the last 6 months.
  • Loyal Buyers: Reward your most devoted customers. This segment includes customers who have made at least five purchases in the last 12 months.
  • Win-Back: Re-engage past customers. This segment focuses on customers who have previously purchased but haven’t made a purchase in the last 6 months.
  • Lapsed Customers: Target dormant customers. This segment consists of customers who haven’t made a purchase in the last 9 months.
  • Recent Openers: Stay top-of-mind with active contacts. This segment comprises contacts who have opened an email in the last 7 days.
  • Big Spenders: Recognize and reward high-value customers. This segment includes customers who have completed $100 or more worth of orders in the last 12 months.
Screenshot of pre-build segmentation templates page

These segment templates offer a diverse range of targeting options to help you create tailored and effective email marketing campaigns for your specific audience needs.

Expanded Segmentation Conditions

Our segmentation capabilities have been supercharged with a plethora of new conditions. You can now create segments based on actions like entering or exiting automation, using coupon codes, selecting shipping methods, leaving reviews, residing in a particular city or postal code, and even actions like the last engagement, purchase, open, click, page view, or sending date.

Segment on Top of Your List

Want to apply a segment to your existing email list when sending a campaign? Now, you can! With the new update, you have the flexibility to layer segments on top of your lists, ensuring that your emails reach the most relevant recipients, every time.

Screenshot of the UI of applying segment on top of a list

Enhanced Options for Existing Segmentation Conditions

We’ve improved the flexibility and precision of existing segment conditions in several ways:

  • Time-based segments: In addition to specifying a time period, you can now choose the “lifetime” option, allowing you to target subscribers based on their entire history with your brand.
  • Custom field segments: You can now filter subscribers based on whether their custom fields are “blank” or “not blank,” giving you greater control over your segments.
  • Date-based segments: You can set segments based on actions that occurred “on or after” and “on or before” specific dates, offering more refined targeting.

Discoverability Made Easier

Segments are now a separate menu item, making it simpler to navigate and create the perfect segment for your campaigns. This improvement ensures you can access the segmentation features quickly and efficiently.

MailPoet menu items, including Segmentation

With these new segmentation features, you have the power to send more personalized, relevant, and effective email campaigns. Whether you’re looking to re-engage lapsed customers, reward loyal buyers, or target specific geographic areas, our enhanced segmentation capabilities will help you achieve your email marketing goals with ease. Get started today and unlock the full potential of your email marketing strategy!

We are still not finished with segmentation, with a couple more improvements and additions coming by the end of the year. And if we haven’t yet included the feature you’re wishing for, let us know at

Introducing Powerful New Features for Automations Fri, 30 Jun 2023 13:01:56 +0000 Hi everyone 👋 Since we launched Automations last November, we’ve been working hard to bring you some awesome new features that will take your automations to the next level.

1. Abandoned Cart and Order Status Change Triggers: You can now kick-start automations when a customer abandons their cart or when there’s a change in order status. It’s a fantastic way to capture those lost opportunities and keep your customers in the loop.

2. Transactional Emails Made Easy: The order status change trigger can now send transactional emails without requiring marketing consent. The first “Send email” action immediately following the trigger automatically sends transactional email, while all the other emails in the campaign continue to require marketing consent. It’s a hassle-free way to keep your customers informed about their orders.

3. Powerful New Actions: We’ve supercharged our automation capabilities with a range of new actions. You can now effortlessly add or remove tags, lists, or edit subscriber custom fields. Want to send an admin notification or unsubscribe someone? There is an action for that.

4. New Automation Templates: We made “Abandoned cart reminder” and “Celebrating first-time buyers” templates available in the free plugin.

5. Filter Triggers Like a Pro: We know you love having control, which is why we’ve introduced the ability to filter triggers by the subscriber, WordPress user, customer, or order fields. Customization is the name of the game, and now you can tailor your automations with laser-like precision.

6. Run Automations Once per Subscriber: Now, it’s up to you to decide if your subscribers can receive the same automation only once or multiple times. Do you want to welcome new subscribers even if they resubscribe? No problem! Only a single abandoned cart per customer? Sure can do.

We can’t wait for you to explore these fantastic new features. There is more to come, with detailed automation analytics in mid-summer and more in autumn. Stay tuned and share your feedback at

Happy automating!

New subscriber segments for more targeted email campaigns Fri, 02 Jun 2023 13:00:36 +0000 Hi Poets! In the last two months, we rolled out new subscriber segmentation options to help you run targeted and personalized campaigns based on how people engage with your business.

If you’re in the commerce game, we’ve introduced new options based on single order value, average order value, purchase date, and used payment method. Reward your new or regular big spenders with a discount coupon to incentivize more sales and increase lifetime value.

We know how important it is to track your subscriber acquisition sources. That’s why you can now target subscribers who signed up via a specific form. And as a bonus, you can now easily segment your subscribers based on their first name, last name, and email address (e.g., to reach out to Gmail subscribers).

But wait, there’s more! You can now duplicate existing segments! 🎉 This means you won’t have to start from scratch whenever you want to create a similar segment. Simply duplicate an existing one, make a few tweaks, and voila! You’ve got a new segment ready to roll.

There is more in the pipeline for segmentation, which we’ll roll out in the next couple of months. Stay tuned! And, you guessed it, let us know what you think at

MailPoet on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 13:05:37 +0000 Hello, merchants 🛒 We have some good news! You can now sign up for a MailPoet plan also on Use your existing or account and payment details to make the checkout faster.

You’ll have the option to choose between two plans – Starter and Business. The Starter plan is perfect if you are just starting with email marketing or have smaller mailing lists, as it allows you to send with MailPoet Sending Service for up to 1,000 subscribers.

If you need more advanced features, the Business plan is the way to go. It unlocks all of MailPoet’s features, including priority customer support, detailed email and shopping analytics, email marketing automations, or purchasing and engagement-based customer segmentation and targeting, to create effective and personalized email campaigns that engage your customers and drive results.

Visit MailPoet on to start for free and take your email marketing to the next level. And as always, let us know what you think at

Check out MailPoet’s new Home page Sat, 25 Mar 2023 12:59:11 +0000 Hey there 👋 We’re excited to announce the new MailPoet Home page! We designed it to help new users get started quickly while also providing valuable resources for existing users.

For new users, we’ve included easy-to-follow instructions for setting up MailPoet and getting started with your first email campaign. Plus, we’ve highlighted our recommended features so you can take full advantage of everything MailPoet offers.

We know tracking engagement is essential, so you’ll also see engagement metrics from recent campaigns. In addition, you’ll be able to see how subscribers interact with your content and any changes in the number of subscribers on your lists.

And finally, we’ve included links to additional email marketing resources and articles so you can continue learning and growing your skills.

We’re confident that our new Home page will improve your email marketing experience. So check it out yourself and let us know what you think at

​​Towards more accessible email Sat, 25 Feb 2023 12:57:11 +0000 Heya 🤠 A quick update on three minor but, for some, essential accessibility improvements.

Firstly, our built-in CAPTCHA now comes with an audio fallback to provide an alternative way for visually impaired users to complete the verification process without relying on visual cues.

Secondly, MailPoet uses your site’s language in emails (in <html lang=""> ) instead of always using English, so screen readers can set proper language to better understand your emails’ content.

Lastly, the close button on popup signup forms is now focusable. You can now easily dismiss the popup when navigating the website using a keyboard.

We hope these improvements will make MailPoet more accessible and user-friendly. As always, please don’t hesitate to share your feedback at

Old, but new! Improved confirmation emails and the Manage Subscription page Tue, 24 Jan 2023 09:36:02 +0000 Today, we’d like to introduce two recent improvements you’ve been asking for.

Firstly, you can now design your subscription confirmation emails with the drag & drop email editor you’re already using for other emails.

You can enable the new confirmation emails for your site in MailPoet > Settings > Sign-Up Confirmation > Enable visual subscription confirmation emails (enabled by default for new installations).

Secondly, you can now easily hide a specific list from the Manage Subscription page. Just head to the list edit page, and uncheck the Show this list on the “Manage Subscription” page checkbox.

We hope you find these useful. We continue to work on improvements like these, and we appreciate the feedback you share with us at Thank you!

Introducing a new way to automate your marketing Thu, 22 Dec 2022 12:54:00 +0000 It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us. One of our goals for the new year is to share MailPoet updates on a more regular basis.

We spent a good chunk of this year working on a new way of running sophisticated email marketing automations. We launched Automations in beta last month and while we plan to introduce awesome new features soon, you can already leverage Automations to build drip campaigns, tag users, or add them to lists. You can get started right from the MailPoet menu in your WordPress dashboard.

In the next couple of months, we’ll launch new ecommerce-focused triggers, actions, and detailed analytics to help you power up your store’s marketing. There will be much more to come in 2023, and we’ll share more details in future updates. For now, here is a sneak peek:

Our goal is to make Automations as helpful for your business as possible. So try it out and let us know what you think via the “Give feedback” button on any Automations page (make sure you’ve enabled the “Load 3rd-party libraries” setting.) We’d love to hear about any bugs you may encounter, suggestions you have for improvements, and the top features you’d like us to introduce next.

Last, happy holidays, and see you next year!
