This is a pretty illustration of a duck.

Hi student!

Thanks for signing up to our Welcome to MailPoet introductory course! We hope that this 4-part series will help acquaint you with email marketing:

In this first lesson, we'll talk about creating and sending your first email, as well as making sure that it was received.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Create a List

First, you'll need to create a new List for your subscribers. You can do this on the Lists page, which is accessible via your WordPress sidebar.

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Screenshot 2021-08-18 at 14.07.44

Step 2: Create a Form

Now you need to add this list to a Form.

Why? So that your subscribers can join your list and receive your emails.

You can create a form on the Forms page.

Step 3: Add the Form to Your Website

Now it's time to add your new form to your website. There are three ways to do this:

  • on the WordPress Widgets page
  • as a block or shortcode in page or post
  • or directly in code with PHP or an iFrame.
Screenshot 2021-08-18 at 14.19.15

Step 4: Import Your Old Subscribers

If you're like most MailPoet users, you probably already have a list of subscribers.

To import your old subscribers, simply go to the Subscribers page and click Import. Then, follow the wizard to add your old subscribers to your new list.

Step 5: Create an Email

Now it's finally time to create your first email. In MailPoet, you can create different types of emails:


Pretty bird!

Welcome Emails

Post Notifications
A bell!


woo commerce
Newsletters are sent just once, Welcome Emails are sent when users join your list, and Latest Post Notification emails are sent when you publish a new WordPress post.

Let's send a regular newsletter.

Step 6: Select a Responsive Template

Now you can select an email template.

All our templates display well on across all major email clients, such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Mail, etc.

They are responsive too, which means they look good on smartphones. Nearly half of your readers will open your emails on their phone!

Step 7: Design Your Email

Now you're on the Designer page. Here, you can customize your email to your heart's content.

Use the right sidebar to add Content, adjust the Styles, and send yourself a Preview email. You can also add Columns, which allow you to add content side-by-side.

You can view our documentation on the editor for more information.
Sidebar with widgets

Step 8: Send It!

You've finally made it to the last step. Double check that everything is correct and then click Send!
Was your email delivered? Be sure to check your inbox to make sure.

Check out our guide on sending issues or simply send with the MailPoet Sending Service.

8 Video Guides to Help You Find Your Way

Sometimes, it's just easier to watch a short video.
That's it! These are the first steps to get started. The next lessons are coming in the next few days:

  • Part 2, tomorrow: understand open, click and unsubscribe rates
  • Part 3: getting more subscribers
  • Part 4: going further
Somebody you know would benefit from these lessons? They can sign up here.

We also send a monthly newsletter with information about our plugin, educational blog posts and discounts. Sign up!
