We’re Adopting Gutenberg. Here’s Why

Our future form editor is going to be in Gutenberg, also known as the Block Editor.  In fact, we’ve already started working with it (screenshot below) and we hope to release a first version by the end of 2019. In the near future, our email designer will also go down that route. More on that […]

Why We Release Every Week, or Continuous Delivery Explained

Every Tuesday we release a new version of MailPoet, our email plugin for WordPress. Our team of 7 developers, a quality assurance person, and a product manager has been committed to this frequency since 2016. Some users may wonder why we release so often, and if it’s related to our team fixing bugs all the […]

How We Successfully Adopted the 4-Day Work Week at MailPoet

We implemented the 4-day work week at MailPoet in 2016. Three years on, we’re still working happily with this rhythm and our business is growing. While Tim Ferris’ 4-hour work week proved to be something of an illusion, 32 hours seemed more like a reasonable goal. We even considered a 6-hour work day at one […]

A Year of Experiments At MailPoet

We close 2018 with a great sense of satisfaction. This has been our best year yet since we launched in 2011. At the heart of it, we expanded our team, which brought in new talent and fun colleagues. The by-product of this expansion has been a better product and solid growth in revenue. It was […]

MailPoet Will Require PHP Version 5.6 in 2019

February 2020 update: MailPoet now requires PHP version 7.0! At the end of 2018, MailPoet will be upgrading its minimum PHP version. Our users will be required to have at least PHP 5.6 in order to use our plugin.Better Email for WordPress-Powered Websites.Send beautiful emails that reach inboxes every time, and create loyal subscribers.Sign up […]

GDPR: Get Ready for the New EU Privacy Law in Fifteen Minutes

You’re a MailPoet user looking to be GDPR friendly? Follow our guide.  If you’ve had to recently agree to many new terms and conditions for your online services, there’s a good probability that it’s because of a European regulation on privacy. If you haven’t yet heard, the European Union is introducing a set of common […]