Marketing Strategy for Busy People

The time management expert David Allen, once said, “You can do anything, but not everything.” Allen was talking about life in general, but his advice could be the golden rule of small business marketing, too. Between social media, blogging platforms, and email, you have so many ways to reach your customers. But… you’re also busy. […]

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3 Easy Ways to Start Capturing Emails Before Launching Your Website

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. –Mark Twain Mark Twain didn’t know about email list-building during his lifetime, but if he had, this statement would have been extremely relevant. So relevant, in fact, that we can still apply it to a website pre-launch strategy. In this post, we’ll look at how you can […]

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How and Why to Send Simple Text Emails

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” So said Leonardo da Vinci over 500 years ago in Renaissance Italy. Clearly, he wasn’t talking about email marketing (although he did predict many other future technologies!) Nonetheless, we can still apply his wisdom to the contemporary “art” of writing awesome email content. In this post, we’re going to discuss […]

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GDPR: Get Ready for the New EU Privacy Law in Fifteen Minutes

You’re a MailPoet user looking to be GDPR friendly? Follow our guide.  If you’ve had to recently agree to many new terms and conditions for your online services, there’s a good probability that it’s because of a European regulation on privacy. If you haven’t yet heard, the European Union is introducing a set of common […]

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